I-15 Central Corridor

NEPA Study Project

Nevada Department of Transportation

Public Information Meetings-2024

The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), held a virtual public information meeting from January 17 to February 16, 2024 with an in-person event on January 31, 2024 from 4-7pm at the Clark County Building Department.

This initial meeting was held to solicit feedback from the public on the I-15 Central Corridor project. In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), NDOT is preparing an environmental study to evaluate and document the proposed project’s potential environmental impacts. Decisions made as part of this NEPA study will lead to final design and ultimately construction.

Another meeting will be held in early to mid-2025 to present the study findings with potential build alternatives for the public to weigh in on. As the study progresses there will additional focused outreach efforts with agencies, the public, and other stakeholders.

We want to hear from you! Even though the public comment period is done, if you have comments, please submit here.

2024 I-15 Central Corridor Public Meeting Video

Watch here to learn more about the I-15 Central Corridor NEPA Study Project. This video provides a brief high-level overview of the project and how you can get involved.

2021 Feasibility Study Video

The Virtual Public Information Meeting for the Flamingo to Sahara Feasibility Study was held online May 21, 2021. Watch the video for more information on the project and the Feasibility Study results and recommendations.